Sunday, May 31, 2009

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Freshly mown hay...

Here we are! Good lord I took Body Pump followed by Yoga tonight and Mr. F has cashed-in his chips for the night. It is so nice to be able to take a few classes these past couple weeks and see what else is going on in the world of group fitness. Body Pump is all about weights and lifting them and looking cool. Form is essential and it burned! I wore my Ghostbusters shirt so I looked pretty stylin'. I have a big Pilates class in the morning to teach and am worried if I will be able to walk...or at least saunter. The yoga class after was great because we did some deep, long stretched to flush out the muscles. I shall sleep like a baby in my new bed this evening.

Where is Morgan Turner?

I taught my final Pilates/Yoga class at the Celebration School today as they are almost out for the summer. This is my second year teaching at this school and we have such a loyal group that participate. I teach the teachers. They need the stretching, toning and relaxing after working with kids all day and I am glad to help them as much as I can. We clear away the desks and create an amazing experience every time. We are all truly blessed.

Can't stop watching MST3K. Do you know what that is? It is a television show from the 90's that only becomes more brilliant and life affirming with time. Boggy Creek is on in my living room as I type this stunning blog. John Denver is singing in the background and I want to cry because I wish I had seen him in concert. Thank God for recordings. I miss him everyday.

Song of the Day: Spirit by John Denver

I kind of telegraphed that. It is on right now and full of passion and vitality. We should all be so lucky. I never grow tired of John's songs. They have more flavor with each listen. A fine wine. He will always hold a special place in my heart.

I go home next week! First stop: June Dairy Days for hot dogs, brats and ice cream. Then I will streak through the softball field three times. I wait till the 8Th inning when everyone is pretty toasted...

Sean Vigue
"Trainer to Thousands!"

To live with grace, to ride the swell
To yet be strong of will
To love the wind, to learn its song
And empty space to fill
~Spirit by John Denver

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Don't forget to dance...

Raining here again! Love it. Planned a walk but now...uh not so much.

Putting together a new Power Yoga mix for tonight at Golds. Any suggestions? Putting together a workout mix is always an adventure. So many choices but they must match the movements of the class and the mood. Never underestimate the tremendous and powerful mood that music creates in a group fitness class. It can be a deal maker or breaker.

Lighter schedule since I ended all my Disney classes last week and don't continue them until June. Golds Pilates this morning was rocking! New mix. New moves. Fun galore. Packed room. Full energy. Life doesn't get any better than that my friends! It is the most exciting hour of your week. If it isn't...don't tell me...

Bought a new bed. Mr. F needs to get tons of good, quality sleep.

Song of the Day: Don't Forget to Dance by The Kinks

I am on a Kinks roll and this song is so different than their others...slow, beautiful, thoughtful and tender. used it for a warm-up this morning with great success. The warm-up did indeed warm people up. That is it's purpose. It would suck if you got freezing cold during the warm-up. What would be the point? Gorgeous song. Check it out! Or don't...I don't care.

Any questions about classes? Let me know. I will answer anything I can.

Off to drive through the storm to teach some more. The rain has not affected my classes...yet.

Sean Vigue
"Instructor to Thousands!"

We will either find a way, or make one.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Celebrate Memorial Day by giving thanks

Hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.
~Joseph Campbell

Memorial Day is an opportunity to give thanks and praise to those who have given their lives so you may live the life you desire.

Take a moment or two tomorrow to remember and give thanks. Most of have no idea what combat is truly like and hopefully we never will. Praise those who have given their lives standing up to tyranny and oppression.


Saturday, May 23, 2009

Day of rest...

Only taught one class today! One darn it. Fun class and now I have two whole days off. That has not happened since I went on vacation to Montana and got sick. Montana made me sick and I will sue the state for compensation. I will also sue the moose and beasts of the forests.

I got nothing. Doesn't happen much but I am speechless at the moment. Tired. Happy. Proud. Grateful. Tentative. How much longer can I list words?

Song of the Day: Easy to be Free by Ricky Nelson

Great song. Saw his twin sons a couple weeks ago at the Epcot Flower Power Show and was moved by this song. Maybe could be used in a warm-up or cool-down. is a very pretty song. I will leave it at that.

Off to bed...lots of adventures in the morning...

Sean Vigue
"Trainer to Thousands!"

Herman Blume: You guys have it real easy. I never had it like this where I grew up. But I send my kids here because the fact is you go to one of the best schools in the country: Rushmore. Now, for some of you it doesn't matter. You were born rich and you’re going to stay rich. But here's my advice to the rest of you: Take dead aim on the rich boys. Get them in the cross hairs and take them down. Just remember, they can buy anything but they can't buy backbone. Don't let them forget it. Thank you.

From Rushmore

Friday, May 22, 2009

I can take some classes the next couple weeks!

Friends, clients, Dutch people!

I finished up my latest Disney sessions this week (continuing in June) and that has freed me up to take some classes for myself!! I never have time to attend other classes because I teach on average about 20 group fitness classes per week. I have been doing this consistently for over the last 4 years! Can you dig that? Mr. Fitness is serious about this stuff. That is why it says "Trainer to Thousands!" on my business cards and web-page. Last year alone I had around 10,000 people attend my classes! What an awesome line of work to be in and this is only the beginning. Only the start of the revolution.

Anyway...I attended a Spinning (RPM) class last night and tonight at Celebration Fitness and enjoyed myself. It has made me really miss teaching my own Wednesday night class there in the old Spinning room. Now classes are held in the large aerobic studio and it just doesn't work for Spinning. Too many distractions: the room is really warm, too bright, the music echoes off the walls, people lining up outside for the next class are distracting, the bikes are so tightly put together you can barely move...oh well. The instructors (Chris and Ernesta) were awesome as always. I believe Spinning should be done in a dark room. The darker the better. No distractions so you can delve into the Spinning Zone.

One more class this week and then more time to enjoy life and finish my Wyatt Earp biography.

Song of the Day: Ooh La La by Faces

I first heard this song during the end credits of one of my favorite movies Rushmore and it enchanted me! Faces features a very young Rod Stewart before he went solo and ripped out his vocal chords. Very introspective song for guys who were so young. I love it and plan to use it in one of my classes soon. Music is something that kicks us in the ass to go out and do something great.

Great week. Great times. Great commitment from my clients. Taught Pilates at Golds this morning and felt sooooo good about it! Everything was clicking beautifully as we flowed from exercise to exercise. The energy was sizzling and my head was clear and true throughout. Teaching is performing. If you are not really into it why should the people who have come to class follow you? Why should they give a crap? I have taken classes where the instructor bored the %@$# out of me and I left feeling annoyed...a great opportunity to elevate everyone in the room had been squandered. I want to mainline the health right into your vein when you come to class! Right in the vein!!

Sleep tight...

Sean Vigue
"Trainer to Thousands!"

Michael: Are you serious?
Wayne Jarvis: Almost always. I was once voted the worst audience participant Cirque Du Soleil ever had.

From Arrested Development

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I keep getting struck by lightning...

It just happened again! Ouch! Luckily I do Pilates so my Core can withstand it....for how many more I don't know.

I have bumped-up the intensity level of my classes lately but that always happens when I gain a new certification. If the class don't flow then what's the point? Just like in a movie or a song the class must must have a through line of intent and action that drives to the exciting conclusion followed by the cool down. Exercises connect to provide the muscles with heat so stretching will occur. Every time you stretch a muscle you strengthen it. I really have trouble sometimes finding the words to describe how amazing and life affirming a flowing class can is more of a feeling. A feeling of total release and total body conditioning. All things come together and the soul is elevated.

I miss my Wednesday night Spinning class :-( In Spinning the music is loud, fast and sleazy. I can also yell a lot.

Song of the Day: Stand and Deliver by Adam Ant

Made a new Pilates mix last night and this song is included. The whole mix is pretty aggressive and bold and this song tops the list. Loud, brash, sleazy, and unpredictable. Class must follow a similar pattern but veer off from time-to-time to keep the muscles confused. Keep the mind guessing. This song joins other songs by The Kinks, Tori Amos, REM, The Animals and Beck. I tell ya folks you will always wonder what the hell you are listening to!

I ran out of apples tonight. Pity.

I am planning on attending several new classes this week during my former Disney times. Taking a class is a real treat as you can always learn some new things. You can also learn what you definitely DON'T want to do. Everyone wins. I am taking my first RPM Cycle class tomorrow with my good friend Chris and am looking forward to being beaten to a pulp. A pulp with curly, blond hair that is...

Louis Armstrong is blasting his trumpet in my ear so I must go to bed. Rest. Rest. MST3K. Rest.

Sean Vigue
"Instructor to thousands, and thousands, and thousands..."

: You know, can I ask you a personal question, Miles?
Miles Raymond: Sure.
Maya: Why are you so in to Pinot?
Miles Raymond: [laughs softly]
Maya: I mean, it's like a thing with you.
Miles Raymond: [continues laughing softly]
Miles Raymond: Uh, I don't know, I don't know. Um, it's a hard grape to grow, as you know. Right? It's uh, it's thin-skinned, temperamental, ripens early. It's, you know, it's not a survivor like Cabernet, which can just grow anywhere and uh, thrive even when it's neglected. No, Pinot needs constant care and attention. You know? And in fact it can only grow in these really specific, little, tucked away corners of the world. And, and only the most patient and nurturing of growers can do it, really. Only somebody who really takes the time to understand Pinot's potential can then coax it into its fullest expression. Then, I mean, oh its flavors, they're just the most haunting and brilliant and thrilling and subtle and... ancient on the planet.

From the movie Sideways

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

It's raining on my Pilates mat...

I love a rainy night or so sang Eddie Rabbit? Rabbit? Strange name. When you say his full name it sounds fine...but take away the Eddie and the Rabbit part sounds suspect. It has been raining here in central Florida for over 2 days now. The rain saps my energy and I feel like laying on my couch and watching a Disney movie. Oh well...

Finished up all of my Disney classes yesterday and don't start up there until June so my schedule is slightly lighter. Big power yoga class tonight in Dr. Phillips at Golds despite the rain. The rain will not keep serious yogis out of class damn it! I came to class this evening armed with some new sequences and poses to fling at them. One sequence is called Snake and it is a flow that includes down dog, dolphin, plank and up dog. You want to tone and strengthen your entire body? Do the Snake. If you see me in public yell "do the snake!!" and I will get down on the floor and do it with style. Also threw in half-moon and revolving half-moon poses which can be very challenging. Crow was also tossed out there and was grabbed and mastered with panache. All in all it was a great class and an unforgettable experience! Love what I do. Love it to pieces. Come to class and you will love it too!

I participated in a wellness celebration at Epcot yesterday for cast members and had a great time. Got to promote my classes on property and meet lots of cool people. Also got to use my German and French with the international employees. I always wanted to teach an entire class in German but have never found an all German class. Joseph Pilates was German after all so it seems logical. I am very proud and pleased to have taught hundreds and hundreds of classes on Disney property.

Song of the Day: Be Near Me by ABC

Love me some ABC! So damn catchy I want to put my face in a bucket of jello for three days. I will spend the next 2 hours thinking if this is a good thing. ABC has got style and such a glossy, smooth sound that makes them impossible to ignore. They have been put to good use in my Pilates classes. Also good for walking, strolling and sauntering. Don't use if rambling.

I could write more but need rest. I am STILL sore from that PiYo certification on Sunday. Holding a Hover for 4 minutes will do that to Mr. Fitness.

Thanks to everyone for great attendance again this week and let me know if you ever have questions...about anything!

Sean Vigue
"Changing the world one body at a time!"

All my dreams came true last night
All my hopes and fears
All my dreams came true once more
In tears, in tears
Be near me, be near, be near...

From Be Near Me by ABC

Monday, May 18, 2009

Monday and PiYo certifications....

Good morning! Monday is upon us and the weekend is behind us. I will continue to state the obvious for the next two sentences. The sky is blue and trees grow out of the ground. The news is depressing and Elvis rocks!

I took a great certification this weekend in Orlando at 24 Hour Fitness. It is called PiYo and was presented by my friend Ali Vaughn yesterday. She did a great job and I am very excited to incorporate what I learned into my own classes and beyond...

Here is the description of PiYo from

PiYo™ is a unique athletic blend of Pilates, Yoga, and more. The moves fit perfectly together to form choreography that is both fun and challenging. PiYo™ requires no previous experience. Once you try it, you’ll find that you enjoy doing PiYo™ more than any other mind/body format.

I am so excited to debut some of these new sequences in my classes and am very happy I got up extra early on a Sunday (my only day off!) to attend this event.

I am teaching at Disney this morning and then participating in a wellness event at Epcot for all their cast members...always cool to meet and chat with Disney employees!

Sign-up for ALL my Disney classes are on the Hub and will begin the week of June 22nd. Spread the word! They hit the Eyes and Ears next week so sign-up now.

Song of the Day: Neon Tiger by The Killers

This song will forever remind me of walking to Linda's Bakery in West Salem, Wisconsin where my parents live and where I spent 18 years of my life. The Killers are one of the best bands around and I use them frequently in Spinning and Pilates. Neon Tiger is an instant classic and you deprive yourself of it's essence if you choose to ignore. Nuff said.

Breakfast time. Who knows where the week will take us. Enjoy and let me know if you have any questions. I am at your service.

Sean Vigue
"Trainer to Thousands!"

: What did he say?
Peter: He said the train is lost.
Jack: How can a train be lost? It's on rails.

From The Darjeeling Limited

Friday, May 15, 2009

An end and a new beginning...

I am heading to my last Disney class for a few weeks (I am going on a vacation!). The current session is coming to a close with 48 classes taught and lots of good times had. The next session begins in June with the sign-ups on the Hub today. If you are interested now don't wait as they usually fill-up very fast. I have had a wonderful relationship with Disney the past 3-and-a-half-years with regards to teaching Pilates, Yoga, and Yoga/Pilates all over property to cast members in all capacities. I have been very fortunate to work with so many cast members and watch them grow and keep coming back to class. We started doing eight-week sessions two-and-a-half-years ago and I look forward to every new batch. The turnover rate for these classes is about 90% returning and 10% new clients. Love it!

Song of the Day: St. Elmo's Fire (Man in Motion) by John Parr

This damn CD won't load into my iTunes. Poop! the song and am going to use it in my next Pilates mix. Nuff said? Yes and I will be thinking of John Parr's huge mullet as I am leading the class. Nuff said?

The picture is from a recent night walk my father and I did in Florida. I really like this picture.

Off to my last Disney class of the month.

Sean Vigue

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Classes, classes, classes and Disney sign-ups....

I was up very early this morning to sub a Spinning class at Celebration Fitness for my good friend Paul who is hiking in Peru. This was my first Spinning class in the Large Aerobic Studio where the bikes have been moved and it takes some getting used to. The room is very large for a Spinning class and everyone kept staring towards the window for some reason when they should be staring at ME! Ha! Class went well and I beat them to a pulp as is expected. After that class I taught 4 more Pilates and Yoga classes for the day. Lots of classes indeed!

Sign-ups for my next eight-week sessions on Disney property are tomorrow on the cast Hub. All of these classes will begin the week of June 22nd. Locations include Feature Animation, 215 Building and Disney University. Contact me with any questions. Please sign-up quickly because these classes usually fill-up within an hour. There is a 20 person max on each separate class.

Song of the Day: Live Forever by Oasis

Great song! It is the lead off song on my latest Pilates mix and sets the tone for what is to come. It pounds forward and leads us through the 100, roll-up and rollover sequences. Don't know what I am talking about? Come to class and see. The class builds and so must the music. Oasis has been a favorite of mine since the summer of 1996 when I worked at The Bigfork Summer Playhouse in Bigfork, Montana. Great group. Great times.

Off to sleep. Long week of exciting classes and I am almost to the end. Sunday I am doing an all day PiYo certification in Orlando. It is a combo of Pilates and Yoga and I am excited to learn some cool, new stuff! Check it out at:

Stop looking at me!

Sean Vigue
"Trainer to Thousands!"

Even if you follow no other instructions, learn to breathe correctly.
~Joseph Pilates

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Anyone out there an MST 3K fan? Translation: Mystery Science Theater 3000. Funniest show ever. I just purchased another 4 DVD set and am watching Time Chasers before my next 2 classes. It is a very cheap Back to the Future knockoff.

Great Pilates class at Golds this morning!! I have been adding way more Planks/Down Dog series to the mix and they are met with many groans but yield amazing results in the areas of tone, strength, balance and coordination.

Don't forget the sign-up this Friday on the Hub for all Disney cast members interested in my next eight-week class sessions at Feature Animation, 215 Building, and Disney University. Let's blanket all of Disney property with these positive, fun, and challenging classes!

Song of the Day: Petrol by Orbital

Using it tonight in Power Yoga at Golds! They are a techno group that has just the right amount of driving force behind the music to use in a flow class. We need music that drives to keep the flows alive and kicking! Come to class and you will see.

Doing a PiYo certification this weekend. More info to follow....

Off to teach!

Mr F

Sunday, May 10, 2009

The week lays before us like a blanket of Spam

Ready? This week is going to be CRAZY!! Tons of classes plus some new ones to add to the excitement. Get a helmet.

I had the entire day off today! Sunday is the day for Mr. Fitness. Sleep in, eat, read, watch MST 3K, laugh, take Body Flow and go for a bike ride. If a visit to Target is squeezed in there well then that would rock my socks. Next week I will be attending a certification for is a really cool blend of Pilates and Yoga and I am very excited to add this to my resume. The more I learn the more I can bring to my clients.

Song of the Day: Devil in Disguise by Elvis

Elvis! I am not even going to write his last name. I have used this song in Spinning a few times. Funny little tune...starts slow and then Elvis gets pissed and picks up the rhythm. Elvis! Short song too. Only 5 seconds long. Gotta pedal fast if the song is only 5 seconds. Damn fast! Great song. Great singer. Makes me smile like a fool.

Class numbers are up everywhere and my energy has been strong. Keep on attending I guarantee a workout to stretch, strengthen and tone your entire body as well as clear your mind. I promise to give my all in each and every class to make your experience unforgettable.

Off to bed...

Sean Vigue
"Trainer to Thousands!"

Your focus determines your reality.
~Qua Gon (Star Wars:Phantom Menace)

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Monster Truck Rallies!

Well well well....never been to a monster truck rally.

Picture on the right is from a production of Crazy For You at The Bigfork Summer Playhouse in Bigfork, MT in the summer of 1996. What a glorious summer that was...I am using my Core strength to punch Drake. My hair is also using it's Core strength. I wear the chaps for my Tuesday classes....gets me tips.

Tons of classes today! 2000 lbs worth. Lots of energy, lots of monologuing by yours truly. Lots of people. Loud music. Had 5 classes alone today. I sometimes wonder where I get the energy for that many but it never fails me. I love what I do. Simple as that. I don't know any other way to do it.

Song of the Day: Send Me an Angel by The Scorpions

Once again the boys from Germany have landed on my exclusive Song of the Day list. They were notified and were reported to be extremely excited!! This song is on the tail end of my latest Pilates mix and always comes on when we are almost into the cool down. Kind of that space in between where we finish some intense planks and move into stretching. It is more of a moody power ballad that chills the mind and ignites the heart. So let's hear it for the Scorpions!! Well done my friends!

Why do Pilates? (hold on...there are lots of reasons courtesy of

The Benefits of Pilates
A refreshing mind-body workout

Pilates gets your mind in tune with your body. By emphasizing proper breathing, correct spinal and pelvic alignment, and complete concentration on smooth, flowing movement, you become acutely aware of how your body feels, where it is in space, and how to control its movement. The quality of movement is valued over quantity of repetitions. Proper breathing is essential, and helps you execute movements with maximum power and efficiency. Last but not least, learning to breathe properly can reduce stress.

Build strength without "bulking up" - gain long, lean muscles and flexibility

Conventional workouts tend to build short, bulky muscles - the type most prone to injury. Pilates elongates and strengthens, improving muscle elasticity and joint mobility. A body with balanced strength and flexibility is less likely to be injured.

Develop a strong core - flat abdominals and a strong back

Building on the principles of Joseph Pilates, Pilates exercises develop a strong "core," or center of the body. The core consists of the deep abdominal muscles along with the muscles closest to the spine. Control of the core is achieved by integrating the trunk, pelvis and shoulder girdle.

Create an evenly conditioned body and prevent sports injuries

In conventional workouts, weak muscles tend to get weaker and strong muscles tend to get stronger. The result is muscular imbalance - a primary cause of injury and chronic back pain. Pilates conditions the whole body, even the ankles and feet. No muscle group is over trained or under trained. Your entire musculature is evenly balanced and conditioned, helping you enjoy daily activities and sports with greater ease and less chance of injury.

Learn efficient patterns of motion

Pilates exercises train several muscle groups at once in smooth, continuous movements. By developing proper technique, you can actually re-train your body to move in safer, more efficient patterns of motion - invaluable for injury recovery, sports performance, good posture and optimal health.

Be confident and safe

No other exercise system is so gentle to your body while giving it a challenging workout. Many of the exercises are performed in reclining or sitting positions, and most are low impact and partially weight bearing. Pilates is so safe, it is used in physical therapy facilities to rehabilitate injuries.

That is all for now. Big class at Golds in the morning and then a massage. Excellent! Muscles need some good flushing after all that work. I recommend that everyone get at least one massage a month to keep your muscles working properly. If you can't afford that many then marry or date someone who is a therapist :-)

Sean Vigue
"Trainer to Thousands!"

Maverick: What's your problem, Kazanski?
Iceman: You're everyone's problem. That's because every time you go up in the air, you're unsafe. I don't like you because you're dangerous.
Maverick: That's right! Ice... man. I am dangerous.

From Top Gun

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Make it a breathtaking experience people....

What came first: the Pilates 100 or the Roll-Up? I know that this very question has kept you awake for many night. What could it be? It is hard even to comprehend which could have entered civilization first. One without the other would send the earth floating right off it's axis. Not good. I tell ya that when you do the 100 and then the Roll-Up right after you got yourself one hell of an ab workout. You betcha!

Electric classes today! I need more adjectives. Electric is good because you can feel the energy flowing through the room. It's like the scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark when the Nazis open the Ark and all those spirits are flying around...but in my classes the spirits stay awe inspiring and smiley and don't make your head explode and your brain boil. Interesting tangent I have caught myself in. Pull back!! Makes for a nice visual though.

Tuesday is always lots of fun because my classes include 2 classes (Pilates and Yoga) at Golds Gym in Dr. Phillips which is the largest Golds in 5 states so the classes are always packed and the people are hungry for fitness! Yoga tonight was a flowing, stretching Broadway caliber show. We hit so many different postures with tons of Vinyasa Flow in between. God I love teaching these classes!! Don't get any better than this folks. This weekend I will be filming a couple Pilates and Yoga videos which I will post on FB and my web-page. Bring on the body paint!!!

Song of the Day: Love and Affection by Nelson

Come on people! This is the feel good take me back to high school song of the century! I have been using it for the entrance/finding a spot in class/putting down your mat part of class. So basically the time right before we begin the warm-ups and I start my spot on impressions of Arnold, Burt Reynolds, Johnny Carson, Ronald Reagan, Iron Man, and Vince Neil. If you throw 20 dollar bills at me I will add more. To make the $20 actually hit me you must tie it to a small pebble. If you throw a large rock you will knock me out and be totally lost on class. You may get stuck and your Pilates Hundred will turn into the Pilates 3857 and your arms will fall off! Another tangent! Drat! Anyways Nelson will be at Epcot this Friday night and I am going. Hearing this song may make me get on the ground and do some Rollovers. Great song! Great fun! I am babbling. This is why one shouldn't write blogs after 1 AM.

My hats off to all my awesome, fun, courageous, inspiring clients! Keep on coming back and I promise to all I can to give you the experience of your life!! I may usually fall short but will keep striving for that breathtaking experience.

Bon nuit

Sean Vigue
"Trainer to Thousands!"

Cousin Eddie: I don't know why they call this stuff hamburger helper. It does just fine by itself, huh? I like it better than tuna helper myself, don't you, Clark?
Clark: You're the gourmet around here, Eddie.

From National Lampoons Vacation

Monday, May 04, 2009

Monday fades from view...

Monday is now part of history folks. Wave good bye. Bon voyage to you my friend.

Tired so I shall be brief. Elvis is singing me to sleep.

All the classes went very well today. Did some Pilates, some Yoga/Pilates and some Candlelight Yoga. Nice mix.

Song of the Day: The Saint by Orbital

Holy crap! Thins song rocks for class! It is from the movie that no one saw called The Saint with Val Kilmer when he was cool. It is the song that comes in when I start doing the Pilates 100 and the Roll-Up so it signals the beginning of the Core exercises. Lots of energy is required to perform all these flowing movements and the song delivers! Boy oh boy. Check it out.

Good night. Huge Golds class in the morning and then 4 more classes. I am insane. Over 3000 classes in the past 4 years. I must be insane. Love to teach. Love to work with people. Love to help people improve their lives. Love it. Pure and simple.

Sean Vigue
"Trainer to Thousands!"

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Ride the wave!

Ride it right the heck into the week! Surge into the new week with a sense of divine purpose. Let it fill your soul.

I am preparing for a feverish week of classes, meetings, auditions, and of course driving! Until teleportation is real I must drive all over Florida to work with the peeps. Get me a good CD in my car (Lilly) and I don't care. Many, many classes are on the schedule for the week and I plan to dive in headfirst. Just put together a new Pilates Mix that I believe to be the greatest mix ever created for a Pilates class!!! By just playing the mix people in the room become fitter and stronger. The mix may not even need me. Damn! Should have thought of that.

Song of the Day: Zoo by The Scorpions

Have you heard this song?? Drat it's good! I always equated The Scorpions with a couple big hits but baby ALL their songs are hits! This little ditty is on the new mix and will inspire whoever is in earshot to do an extra Rollover or Jackknife (Pilates moves). It has a great intensity that builds throughout. I look for that when choosing a Pilates song so I can add intensity to the exercises and attache it to the music. It makes for a very powerful experience. Music+Movement=Nirvana!

Off to bed. Stop by class and say hi but I warn you: I will put you to work and you will love me for it.

Sean Vigue
"Trainer to Thousands!"

Skill to do comes of doing.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Professional Theater days....

I have worked for over 13 years as a professional singer/actor/dancer in theaters across the country and even Europe. Since I started Mr. Fitness LLC I have not performed as much and have recently been missing it and reminiscing about all the crazy theater adventures. One of the reasons I enjoy teaching so much is the dramatic qualities present: music, voice, dynamic movement, building energy from nothing and then bringing it back down etc...So much of fitness and group classes involves drama. Music. Theater. They all go together to elevate the soul during class. If we just went through the motions we would fall asleep from boredom. Our minds would check-out and the body would soon follow. Right out the door we would go.

Anyways I am forever grateful to my many years in theater for giving me a strong sense of presence in class. Whenever I am teaching I am 100% there! No cheating. No going through the motions. No automatic pilot. I see every class as a performance and I must be at the top of my game or it is not fair to my clients. We come together to improve our lives and I always take that very seriously.

Listening to some 1950's Elvis. Now I take THAT seriously too!

The photo is from a production of West Side Story in Lancaster, PA in 1999. I played Riff, the leader of the Jets. That is me in the middle in the cool green shirt. Loved that shirt.

More later....

Sean Vigue

Friday, May 01, 2009

Monster classes to end the week!

Holy crap! The numbers in class have been through the roof this past week! Up, up and up they go where will they stop nobody knows. Hopefully never. Group fitness is just too damn good to be kept a secret. That's right...I said damn!

We got some Elvis playing in the background and I am feeling funky. ELVIS! Need to work him into my classes again. Not HIM but his music. You get the idea.

Had the largest class of my four year group fitness career this morning at Golds Gym Dr. Phillips! Good times. Room was extra packed and the energy was insane! No room. Standing room only. Those were some Pilates hungry people and I worked them hard. No breaks. No whining. Only extreme stretching, strengthening and toning. Not a bad way to spend a Friday morning eh? The rest of the classes were equally as enjoyable. I love what I do. I have never worked in a field where my heart wasn't in it 100%. Before my fitness career I worked in professional theater all over the world and my heart and soul were immersed in the craft. In the life. In the traveling. Blessed are we who follow our hearts.

Song of the Day: (Ciao) Baby by The Cult

Can't get it out of my head! It is a spy in the house of Sean. Have never used it in class but a friend of mine made me a Pilates mix and it was on there. Now I can't stop listening to it. I see it finding a home on my next Pilates mix. I do indeed. Nothing like a song that gets me singing to the entire class while they roll their eyes and try to focus on their Open-Leg Rocker in peace. Oh the joys of a live class!! Time flies and we all swoon to a better life. Adding top-notch, soul lifting music to the natural movements of Pilates and yoga elevate us through the roof and we know we will never be the same again. Never...

Time to go sleepy as I have a early class in the morning and then the rest of the weekend is MINE.

God Bless.

Sean Vigue
"Trainer to Thousands!"

The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it.