Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Sean is on a short vacation!

Hello my friends,

I am on a short vacation from my tremendous teaching schedule to recharge the batteries and educate myself further so I can continue to offer the best and most effective classes to my clients! I plan to catch-up on my reading, sleeping, family time, and plan the most effective ways to run my business to reach the most people possible. People are hungry for fitness and I plan continue to fill that hunger with the best classes in Central Florida!

Upon my return I will be increasing my teaching load right through 2008. I just started teaching at Bella Trae in Champions Gate, adding more classes to my very busy Disney schedule, more in-home training sessions and am in discussions to instruct at the top Pilates studio in Central Florida. I will keep you posted on ALL new classes!

Mr. Fitness LLC is always expanding and I will be producing an exercise DVD in the near future as well! I plan to make Mr. Fitness LLC a household name in fitness and health.

Thank you to everyone for the support and I will see you soon!

Sean Vigue

"Trainer to Thousands!"

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