Refreshed after taking a yoga class tonight with my favorite yoga instructor Alexis at Celebration Fitness. It is so nice to experience other people's classes and have them tell me what to do for a change. Don't get me wrong...I love telling people what to do (-: Cool to see how someone else's mind works. Great class! Mr. F seal of approval.
Busy, busy, and extremely effective week! Tons of packed classes along with the filming of three new workout videos for people to use to change their lives! Tomorrow I will be filming a new video in my dynamic Pilates Ab Crunch series. These videos are just to exciting to create, film, and distribute! Blessed are we all.
Remember my friends I am offering (for now) FREE video Podcasts that you can subscribe to and watch on your television, computer, iPod, iPhone, iTouch etc...Take Mr. Fitness with you everywhere and stay in peak condition. I want to bring fitness to as many people as possible in the short time I am on this earth. It is my true calling. Join me!
Here is my Free Podcast:
Making a new Pilates mix as I write this (is that possible?) and am going in a more rock/new wave direction. The mixes must be as interesting and dynamic as the classes. Keep it interesting always and extremely effective. If not what is the frickin' point right? To do the same workout each time is worse than death. It is worse than listening to Michael Bolton sing opera. Pretty bad.
Song of the Day: Human by The Human League
Why? Love this song even though it has a terrible Elvis like monologue in the middle. The opening phrases are so pure I can barely stand it and it reminds me of roller skating and falling down every time they turned on the disco ball. It would cast shadows on the floor and I would get confused and fall. Poor Mr. F....
Let's talk Pilates...
~Pilates starts with a "P"
~Men actually benefit more from Pilates than women but are usually intimidated to try. Pity.
~I have taught over 2000 Pilates classes. Trust me...I know what I am doing.
~Pilates has been around for almost 100 years. Happy early Birthday!
Thanks to all who have let me guide you in the glorious exercise methods of Pilates, Yoga, Yoga/Pilates, Spinning, and personal training. I hope and pray that we will have many more years of mind numbing experiences!
Sleep tight.
Sean Vigue
"Trainer to Thousands!"
O'Bannion: You are an embarrassment to the game of pool and should be glad I even let you play at my table.
From Dazed and Confused
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