Saturday, December 18, 2010

I am leaving on a jet plane tomorrow....

My friends,

I shall be leaving on a jet plane tomorrow to the frozen tundra of southwest Wisconsin to spend this blessed time with my family. This is my favorite time of year.

It has been an absolutely incredible year! I have taught about 1000 Pilates, Yoga, Pylata, and Spinning classes, filmed about 100 workout videos, sold thousands of workout DVDs, created 2 Podcasts that are building a large international audience, and appeared in 2 major films. All in all a very blessed year. I relish working with thousands of wonderful people who want to live better. That is a noble goal.

I am celebrating my 5th year of being the Pilates and Yoga instructor for Walt Disney World! In addition to teaching at Disney you will find me teaching at Golds, Anytime Fitness, Celebration Health, Platinum Dance Academy, Artisan Park Clubhouse, Celebration School, and Celebration Town Hall.

I never take anything for granted and I will work harder than any fitness instructor has dreamed to bring pure fitness to the world. Dream big and live big!

I look forward to an amazing 2011 full of endless possibilities for fitness, joy, sarcasm, singing, and MST3K!

Merry Christmas!

Sean Vigue
“Florida’s Premier Fitness Instructor!”

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