Elvis is singing that song in the background right now and it always reminds me of the movie Swingers when they are headed to Vegas and gassing up. George Jones sang it in the movie I believe.
Banged out a bunch more classes today. All fun. All good. My body is a little beat-up from all the teaching. When I first started teaching classes a few years I would do EVERYTHING (all the exercises) during each class! Insanity! Sometimes I teach 7 classes a day and I would be doing all that stuff. I mean really...Pilates, Yoga and all that is so damn good for your body but not when you do it that much in a day. I always dive headfirst into something that I have a passion for and that is what I did. It took a couple years to convince myself I could still be an effective teacher and not do it with them. I prefer now walking around and correcting (making fun of) people. Whatever it takes to help people get the most out of that hour I shall provide!
Song of the Day: Eye in the Sky by Alan Parsons Project
This song always reminds me of riding the school bus back in grade school. I am going home in June for a nice vacation and I always get in a nostalgic mood about a month before so that would explain the song. As for using it in class...maybe. It would be a good warm-up song. I keep getting this visual of the school bus going by this little bridge in Barre Mills, Wisconsin on it's way back to town after picking up all the kids. Too much info? My blog. I win.
Big class at Golds in the morning and then Disney to do research of some shows. Hush hush. Blessed life indeed.
Sean Vigue
Kneel down ye sinners to
Streetwise religion
Greed's been crowned the new king
Hollywood dream teens
Yesterday's trash queens
Save the blessings for the final ring
~Wild Side by Motley Crue
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Excitement everywhere!

I have a pause in the day and wanted to write a quick note. Yesterday's classes were firing on all cylinders! I won't bore with the play-by-play of each one...but last nights power yoga class at Golds was just incredible! Everyone who attended was so focused and worked so very hard to do all they could. I was so proud. So damn proud. So damn proud to be a part of the experience and guide them through the many poses, postures, exercises, stretches, and cool downs. So damn proud! Class was he full hour and we mainlined health right into the vain. As always the times flies by and leaves me speechless. Time always moves too fast but in class it is times 2. Good and bad. When I was leading the warm-ups last night I was mapping the class in my head...planning tons of sequences...but alas times is an enemy as we probably hit about 60% of what I wanted. Oh well...I am not complaining.
Song of the Day: Don't Dream it's Over by Crowded House
Why? I love this song, always have. Have used it for a cool down in different classes. Never get tired of listening. One of my latest Pilates mixes has a couple newer Crowded House songs and they have a good, solid groove very fitting to Pilates. I wish there was a group called Empty House. All their songs could stink and make everyone listen to Crowded House. Good marketing idea. They have many more great tracks that are for the picking!
My parents are heading back to Wisconsin today after a nice 2 month vacation here in sunny Florida. I will miss them but am excited to see them in a little over a month. God speed!
Time to watch a little Iron Man...
Sean Vigue
"Trainer to Thousands!"
We run away all the time to avoid coming face to face with ourselves.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Back in business!

Monday is now almost in the rear view mirror. So many classes today and all filled with great energy and that is just the way I like em'! I FEED off energy. It makes me INSANE with vitality and inspiration! Can't get enough my friends. All the classes today went so very well and I am once again grateful to everyone who shares them with me. The dedication of my clients is always humbling and inspires me to always strive further to give them the best classes possible. I learn with every single class I teach and am NEVER content with status qua teaching...doing the same stuff every time and never adding any excitement to the class. Life is too short to accept mediocrity. I digress....
Song of the Day: Baby What a Big Surprise by Chicago
I admit that I have been listening to a lot of Chicago lately (the band...not the city. I don't know how to listen to a city. Do you? Show me. You have 5 seconds!) and used this song on the warm-up of my latest Pilates mix and it makes me smile like a fool (-: Tonight at Disney I was walking around the studio when it was on and smiling the biggest grin you have ever laid eyes upon. Why? It's music...too hard to explain. We try to explain things too much, just accept it and enjoy the ride. I see more Chicago in my classes in the future. It's just too damn good.
Thankful for another day of successful classes! Tomorrow holds many more opportunities to help people achieve their full potential though fitness and I am up for the challenge! Bring em' on!
Sean Vigue
"Trainer to Thousands!"
Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once.
~William Shakespeare
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Top of the roller coaster....

Monday approaches. We are on the top of the roller coaster as we prepare to shoot down into oblivion. Stave off that oblivion part by taking control of your health and life...for without health nothing else can thrive. As Joseph Pilates said, The first requisite of happiness is health. He was onto something there methinks. Monday for me is the beginning of a long, strenuous and inspiring week of working with whoever decides to elevate their life by practicing the methods that I am privileged to teach (Pilates, Yoga, Yoga/Pilates, Spinning, personal training etc..). I firmly believe that caring for your "temple" will invigorate and elevate your life on every level. Work from the inside out and be amazed at how your quality of life improves!
Song of the Day: The Sun Always Shines on TV by A-Ha
What a great song! I just added to a new Pilates mix as the opening song. The opening song is what plays while people are coming into the room and preparing for the class...it sets the whole mood of the class. It starts very slow with piano chords and eventually picks up into a powerful frenzy of guitars and keyboards. I am very excited to pounce on my clients with it!
Any questions about my classes or fitness in general please let me know. I pride myself on the best possible service to my many clients and whomever else wishes to break free from the monotony of routine. Routine in exercise as well as in life is a dead end road....leading to a collision with a brick wall. We must keep breaking free and trying new approaches to exercise to keep the mind/body connection fresh and productive.
See you in class!
Sean Vigue
"Trainer to Thousands!"
The Kingdom of God is within you.
~Luke 17:21
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Saturday in the Park...where have I been?

Hello one and all....is anybody there? The blog is back after a few days break to rest my fingers from all this ferocious typing. Hmmmm....
Just went to my first ever craw fish boil and have a tummy ache. Too much craw fish will do that to a person.
So I taught 18 one-hour + fitness classes this week! What a week! I am now officially off the clock until Monday. In my hey day (2 years ago) I was crazy enough to teach around 25 classes a week until my body turned to dust one day so I was forced to cut back. 25 classes??? Is that insane or what? It proves my motto of Have Mat Will Travel! Love teaching the classes and business keeps increasing as the word of how beneficial they are drifts across the continent. You can't keep this kind of fitness and excitement down...it keeps moving and winning more and more and more converts. I dare you to take a class and convince yourself that your life would be better without it. Go ahead....try it!!
So my last ever Wednesday evening Spinning class was last Wednesday at Celebration Fitness. After 4 years on the bike the class will drift into oblivion only to re-emerge in stories, poems and movies about the class. I am very proud and grateful to have shared the Spinning room with so many fitness hungry clients and I can honestly say that I busted my ass each and every class to give people all that I could. Go hard and fast or get the hell out of there! I was told that my class was all about Power riding. Total strength. I would ground people down into powder format and then build them back up by the end of class. It's a lot better than it sounds. I made a Spinning Final mix for the occasion. It was loaded with lots of Offspring, Crue, Lady Gaga, Van Halen. Loud, hard, and fast! (that's what she said!) So I bid adieu to my Spinning class and look forward to the exciting fitness future.
The best Spinning song ever: Red Hot by Motley Crue
Loud, hot, filthy, sleazy, driving, sweaty, and throbbing...what else do you want in a Spinning song?
Song of the Day: House of Pain by Van Halen
Old Van Halen and I used it for the warm-up recently in Spinning. Great guitar riffs. Great David Lee Roth. Hell, it's Van Halen what more do you want?? It will rock your socks and put a spring in your step.
Had to tell a couple guys in my Gold's Pilates class to be quite yesterday or all the ladies in the class were going to "kill them". It worked. You don't talk loud in my class and disturb people. Get the hell out!! Oh yes.
What a week! Amazing. Blessed. Grateful. Next week shall rock even harder and that is a promise.
Pic is before my last Spinning class. Bad lighting.
Chat soon!
Sean Vigue
"Trainer to Thousands!"
Anger is a short madness.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Planks planks planks...
That's what you're gonna get with me this week as I am in a Plank Mood. You gotta love an exercise that elicits nothing but groans when it is announced to the room full of fitness freaks! They groan out of respect. They respect The Plank because it is so darn effective and will tighten up all the right places. You must respect something that will give you so much in such a short amount of time. Can't decide between Forearm Plank or Full Plank? Why not go from one to the other....euphoria!
Mr. F taught a couple classes this morning (Golds Pilates was SRO and I got to show off my new music mix, Pilates Electric!) and then went for a swim. That was my first swim in over 5 months. Refreshing! I love watching all the people come in to swim with their shaved legs, expensive swimwear and fancy goggles only to leave after jumping in, swimming one lap at full speed, realizing that swimming is hard work, and beating a hasty retreat to the therapy pool to sit on one of the jets and make weird sounds and faces. Was that sentence too long? Too late to go back!
Song of the Day: This Time Tomorrow by The Kinks
Such a wistful piece of music. Wistful to the very core. I added it to my new Golds Yoga 11 Mix that will be used this evening if I have anything to say about it. They may have been part of the British Invasion of the 60's but tonight they will be invaded the Yoga peeps at Golds Dr. Phillips. Expect lots of Vinyasa sprinkled with a healthy dose of balance poses, Warriors, Bows and relaxation. I am drained just writing about it....The director Wes Anderson (Rushmore is the greatest movie ever!) uses The Kinks music in his movies to great effect.
So beware...now that I am swimming again I will have MORE energy to push you during class. More! It is my goal to make each and every class an unforgettable experience that will enrich your life on every level. That is the goal I take with me to EVERY class I teach. No two classes are exactly the same and you will submit (gleefully) to the glorious moment.
Go do some good.
Sean Vigue
"Trainer to Thousands!
Me, I'm just a hack. I'm just a schlepper. I just do what I can.
~Bette Midler
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Here comes the week! It's all there for the taking....

Indeed it is all there for the taking! What is "it" you ask? Did you ask that? "It" is whatever your soul is searching for and only YOU can answer that question. Not sure? Take some time to meditate and move in the direction of "it". Don't just go to the bookstore and buy Stephen King's It because that won't work. Sure it's a good read but you will be side-tracked from your ultimate purpose.
So many classes on the horizon for the week and I am busy putting new sequences and fun twists on existing ones. All of these classes will put you through workouts to stretch, strengthen and tone every part of your body. The other powerful component is the releasing the mind part. When you are engaged in the exercises/poses/stretches etc your mind finds clarity in the present...in executing the present excursion right now. All distractions fade and the mind becomes a laser of efficiency, directing the muscles to perform at their peak. Mind over muscles. There is no other way. Do it RIGHT. Do it NOW. No wasted time. No dull moments. It happens like a thunderclap and is over way too soon....but don't worry as I will always be there to make you do more and more and more....
Last Spinning class this Wednesday at Celebration Fitness. I am planning a HUGE send-off with lots of cake! We will end the class as we rode it the past four years: like a ballistic missile shooting straight to hell!!!!
Song of the Day: Let's Go To Bed by The Cure
What a glorious song! I added it to a new Pilates mix (Pilates Electric 1) and it shall provoke such delight in the room whenever it is played. The Cure works great for Pilates and Yoga because of the melodramatic quality they use. Dramatic music produces dramatic results in this fitness instructor's opinion. It lifts my mood and that in turn makes me work harder to get more out of my clients. They deserve to have the best possible class I can offer. The song has very witty lyrics that accurately sum up at least 40% of relationships out there. Check it out and let it infiltrate your head for a few days. That is how The Cure operates. The Crue will rip your head right off and throw it in a well. There is a vast difference between the two. Don't be confused.
Enough of that for now. Thanks to all past, current and future clients. Keep coming back and I promise to keep expanding your health and life potential. We never go through the motions nor do we operate on automatic pilot. Every second is a celebration of all we are blessed with and where we can take it. We dream big and we make it happen. Superior results in a short amount of time!! That is a promise I aim to keep. I stake my oath on it.
Sleep tight and well my friends.
The picture above is from a production of West Side Story I did in 1998 in Ft. Myers, Florida at The Broadway Palm Theater. I am kneeling in the brown jacket as Action, the hothead member of The Jets. Good times! I worked as a professional singer/actor/dancer for over 10 years all over the world before attacking the fitness field.
Sean Vigue
"Trainer to Thousands!"
A hero is a man who does what he can.
~Romain Rolland
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Saturday to end all Saturdays!

Where would we be without Saturday? What a dumb way to start this blog. Dumb dumb dumb. Let's try again...so how's the weather there? No that is dumb too. Start over Mr. F....
I have the whole day off from teaching tomorrow (Sunday)!! Teaching fitness is such a passion but one needs one day off a week to plan and recharge in able to go charging full steam ahead into the next week. This coming week is going to be a busy and exciting one at that! Lots and lots of classes and busy planning several new ones all over Orlando. It never stops and that is the way I like it!
Finished off my busy week at Disney and Golds yesterday with some Pilates classes. My Golds class yesterday was one for the books. I came with tons of moves and sequences to attack them with to make sure this weekend would be their weekend to show off their sexy muscles and posture! Lots of power Planks mixed with push-up variations. Then when they were almost ready to collapse we hit the abs again and again and again!! The hour goes SO DARN FAST!!! It really does. It always does. I am tired. Must sleep soon.
Song of the Day: Drumbone by Blue Man Group
This is a pure drum track that builds and builds in a frenzy of power! It is short (under 3 minutes) so when I use it in Spinning it is a full out run/sprint that ends in a burst of speed, sweat, blood and tears. Once the dust settles we start to come back to reality...until the next song! Drums work great in Spinning. Primal and basic. No hidden meanings with that powerful rhythm banging up your spine.
Off to bed I go. The picture is from today at The Magic Kingdom with my parents. We had so much fun and am sure they are passed-out right now from sharing the parks with over 100,000 sweaty people today!
Sleep tight...
Sean Vigue
I am searching for that which every man seeks-peace and rest.
~Dante Alighieri
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Song of the Day...What could it be???

Whew! Home sweet home after being all over central Florida teaching classes. Feels good to work with so many great people and see their fitness levels grow and grow. What a sweet job I have! There are no barriers to working hands-on with a group of people and making a difference in that MOMENT. There are no committees. No middle people. No bureaucracy. It is pure. It is RIGHT NOW. The actions lead directly to greater health and enjoyment of life. It is immediate and lasting. We mainline health directly into your body and soul.
I taught my second to last Spinning class at Celebration Fitness last night and it was BRUTAL!! Fun too...but BRUTAL. When you put something in all caps it means...WHOA! Look out! Anyway...the Spinning room will be turned into an office and my Wednesday class is being phased out. Sad but I still have many, many more opportunities during the week to help people. I have been teaching Spinning on that bike for about 4 years now and racked up over 300 classes at least. The classes are all a blur. The hour of Spinning exists in another universe. It has nothing to do with reality or mundane things. It is raw, primal, sweaty, gut busting, head slamming, leg ripping insanity!!! Every Spinning class is combat. Brutal, fun and will burn more calories than any other class at the facility. So last night was extra extreme because the end is near.
Today I taught 4 classes. All good. They are all in different locations so I enjoy being so mobile during the day. Mr. F is always on the move!!
Song of the Day: Red Hot by Motley Crue
Holy crap I almost exploded and flew through the wall last night when this song savagely made it's entrance in Spinning!!! It is so intense and driving I feared for my safety. I taught it as a flat race with no one allowed to slow down...only speed up. It was pretty interesting. When Spinners are working so damn hard they can barely lift their heads to scowl at you. I plan to use the song in my own rides as it boils my blood!
Enough of that. So...where ya from? Where?? Ewwww....
Off to bed. Golds Pilates in the morning and that is always lots of fun! If you have questions about anything health related or my classes please let me know. I am always available to help.
Sean Vigue
"Trainer to Thousands!"
Success covers a multitude of blunders.
~George Bernard Shaw
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Hug a flagpole with your father in the background Day!!

Pooped! Have some calming REO Speedwagon playing in the background as I type feverishly. Mr. Bob was just here and we watched some MST 3K and laughed and laughed. Prince of Space.
Another loaded day of classes. So much fun! I have been on a good wave lately with the teaching. Flowing. Keeping it interesting. Flowing. Sometimes the classes can just lag. The energy is sucked out of the room. Sometimes a boring song will come on and my energy starts to drift....
Power Yoga tonight at Golds was a good one! I have been working really hard to create a class that flows and flows with no breaks in the action. Maximum results and enjoyment while the time FLIES by! The time really does fly by when all your focus is on what you are doing RIGHT NOW. The present moment is all that matters. Past is past and future is future. What are you doing right now?
Song of the Day: Crash into Me by Dave Mathews Band
Funny...this song came on tonight in Power Yoga right when we were doing The Crow. The Crow is a pretty tough strength/balance pose and if you don't have the control you will "crash" forward...maybe into someone else. Oh the fun we have in yoga!! It is such a great song because it builds, it has drama and character. Passionate. When I look out at everyone at least 15 people are singing along while they balance. Passion is good for a class. Alive and kicking.
Mr. F is tired. Sleep well and God Bless. Always give thanks and be grateful for life.
Sean Vigue
"Trainer to Thousands!"
Into your heart Ill beat again
Sweet like candy to my soul
Sweet you rock
And sweet you roll
Lost for you i'm so lost for you
You come crash into me
And I come into you
I come into you
In a boys dream
~Crash into Me by Dave Mathews
Monday, April 13, 2009
Song of the Day...April 13th...

What a day! What a day! What a toaster! What a clarinet! All good.
Monday is a five class day. That's right....5 classes. One right after the other. Luckily they are no more than 15 minutes apart but you gotta go where the people are hungry for fitness. Have mat (and car) will travel. The spring breakers are still hanging on in town so traffic is unpredictable. Go home! Or come to class! Then go home! And tell everyone about class.
Numbers have been holding steady over the spring break and that is a miracle. Last year they almost killed me! The numbers attacked me while I was napping.
Song of the Day: Gospel Plow by Screaming Trees (trees are green)
What a song! I put it on my latest Pilates CD titled Pilates Thrust 1. It is the song that plays when people are walking into the room to find their spot. I listened to Nearly Lost You over and over in college by these rapscallions. Turns out they have many more great songs to offer the world and all you have to do is look. Plus the title is just so darn cool. What a great combo of two powerful words. What does it mean? I won't tell you because...I don't know.
I am in a Plank mood this week! That means there will be extra sweat pouring in my classes as we tighten-up those tummies and tone up the arms.
That's it for me. Tired and drained from a long day teaching. Golds is in the morning and that is usually over 40 people so I have to be rested or they will toss me out the window. Lucky I am pretty fast!
Sean Vigue
"Trainer to Thousands!"
The glory of God is man fully alive!
~not sure
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Another week is upon us...get your helmut!

Here we are standing on the edge overlooking another week of living. For me that means preparing for about 20 classes. 20 chances to make a huge difference. 20 chances to improve our lives at every level. Every class teaches me something new about life...about movement...about motivation and living with passion. This is it. Make it unforgettable. Always be grateful.
I am busy preparing new music mixes and workout sequences. I am a huge fan of keeping each class slightly different than the last. Keep the mind and muscles constantly confused for maximum results.
I am listening to some old Chicago and thinking this could fit nicely into a Pilates mix. I would try Yoga but that would be TOO NUTS! Could you imagine that?!?! Get outta here with that craziness!
Oh yes...
Song of the Day: anything by The Hilliard Ensemble
They are a classical group that I heard for the first time today and it is tremendous music! The kind that makes you stare at the speakers and drool when it strikes your ears. Methinks it will work brilliantly for cool down music. They cover lots of Bach and the older lesser knowns like Victoria and Palestrina. They also cover lots of Milli Vanilli with panache'.
What a week this will be! Full of health, inspiration, breathing and Depeche Mode.
Sean Vigue
"Trainer to Thousands!"
Dolly: We have to hide the eggs where P.J. will be sure to find them.
Billy: I'll go put them in his pajamas.
From The Family Circus Easter Special (classic!)
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Song of the Day...today!!
Ugh! Ack! Smash! These are all sounds.
So yesterday I arrived at Golds Gym to teach my Friday Pilates class and all the power was out in the gym. I thought they had the generators hooked-up to the treadmills but I was wrong. This Golds has about 58 huge flat screen TV's in front of the cardio machines because Americans are not over stimulated enough. This many distractions helps your focus. It is good that we can't focus on one thing anymore. I digress...anyway there were 45 people Pilates with no music and no mic. At first it felt a little odd but after awhile the beautiful natural rhythm of the movements take over and all you hear is 45 people breathing 100%. I sang to them a little and hummed some pretty tunes during the cool down. So it was pretty cool to get back to the basics without the musical distractions. If you ever have to go to a desert island and are allowed to take along one exercise method take Pilates. It is AMAZING and you are missing out on the very essence of life if you choose to deprive yourself of it!
Song of the Day: Garden Party by Ricky Nelson
I have never used it in class but it is so smooth and I sing it to warm-up my voice in the morning before heading out to teach. Give it a try and tell em' Mr. Fitness sent ya!
There are so many other amazing things to discuss but I have to eat and head to my parents' condo for spaghetti and cupcakes. Yes! If we feel really crazy we will put Frasier on and dance around like fools....
I have tomorrow off! Yippee! It is Easter after all.
Happy Easter! Pray and be thankful for all the gifts. Always be thankful.
Sean Vigue
"Trainer to Thousands!"
When patterns are broken, new worlds emerge.
~Tuli Kupferberg
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Song of the Day...April 9th...

Oh dear...I am really tired. Too late to be coherent...or is it?? I taught several classes today and played Judas in my church's Maundy Thursday service but since I am so fatigued the song today will be more mellow. It shall be something that will help me fall asleep. So no Crue. No Pantera. No shirts.
Song of the Day: This Old Guitar by John Denver
One of my favorite songs EVER. It always reminds me of driving to the health club when I worked for the Bigfork Summer Playhouse in Bigfork, Montana as a performer in 1996 and 1997. Good times. Oh besides the point...an AWESOME time! I fell in love with John Denver during that first summer. Wow...I can also play it on the guitar. The picture is when my parents and sister came to visit me.
I am not making sense so off I go. Tomorrow awaits...
Sean Vigue
"Trainer to Thousands!"
He who lives only for himself is truly dead to others.
~Publilius Syrun
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Song of the Day...April 8th...
Well well well here we are. Actually today Mr. F was a fitness POSER. I didn't teach one single class. Can you dig that?? That hardly ever happens. Oh sure I worked out for myself and did some walking around the town but I spent zero minutes instructing others in how to become healthier people. The main reason was because I went to see The Flight of the Conchords tonight at UCF Arena! Lots of fun and the crowd (of which I was a member) loved the show. That is where I saw Motley Crue last month...these concerts were exact opposites. After the Crue concert my ears rang for 2 days and I had dreams of huge amps driven by Vince Neil trying to run me over while I taught. The worse thing is Vince probably doesn't have a license to drive an amp. Amp driving fatalities are a serious thing. I digress...
Song of the Day: London Calling by The Clash
Why? Because I like it and want to use it in Pilates or Spinning soon. I have this big book about the history of punk rock and they seem to be the most coherent of them all...so far.
Off to bed because I have a full teaching schedule tomorrow and then am playing Judas in my church's Maundy Thursday service. I did it last year and am very happy to have the opportunity to come back once again.
Sean Vigue
"Trainer to Thousands!"
- Murray: It's too dangerous out there at night.
- Jemaine: We go around walking around at night all the time.
- Murray: Well, you know, anything could happen. You could get run over, pickpocketed, um, fall down a manhole, bump into... people, murdered... Imagine that! Or even just ridiculed.
- Jemaine: We've never been ridiculed.
- Bret: No.
- Murray: You haven't? Well, that's a surprise. I get ridiculed all the time.
- Bret: Really?
- Murray: Yep. "Ah hey... ginger balls!" you know.
- Jermaine: That was Bret... he called you that.
- Bret: Oh, the other night?
- Murray: Well, it's not just you Bret, it's all the time, and it's not just ginger balls, you know?
- Bret: I thought that was your nickname
- Murray: No! I get umm... "Oh what are you on your way to a dick meeting?"
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Song of the Day...April 7th...

Hey I missed yesterday...who cares!! Today is a new day so stop living in the past. I just returned from teaching Pilates at Golds and even with Spring break in full swing the class was full. Good stuff! I added an extended Teaser/Boat series that brought many grimaces of joy and fatigue but you can be sure they will see and feel the difference very, very soon. Viva la difference!! Sehr gut and all that. Afterword I went to Whoel Foods for my normal Acai run. Acai is the most nutritious fruit out there and I buy it frozen and put it in my smoothies. That is why I am so excited all the time.
Today's song has been stuck in my head for 7 years this past week. It is like a spy in the house of Sean. It is by a group I am not too familiar with but they have a nice, rhythmic, non-threatening sound that works.
Song of the Day: Still the Night by The BoDeans
Good lord is this song catchy! Again sometimes maybe too catchy so please be careful if you listen to it...you may never eat again.
Time for lunch and then some more classes....Pilates and Power Yoga. I always must be at the top of my game for Power Yoga. My whole attitude for the rest of the week depends on how that class goes.
Viva La France!!
Sean Vigue
"Trainer to Thousands!"
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.
~Henry David Thoreau
Sunday, April 05, 2009
Invigorating weekend

My parents have been spending time at their beautiful condo here in Celebration, Florida and we always have such a nice time together. They are more active here than up north in Wisconsin and my dad even attends a couple of my Pilates classes each week while my mom swims laps in the clubhouse pool.
I am very blessed to have them here! We hit Disney's Hollywood Studios again this weekend with Jillian and got into rumbles all over the park.
Here's to a great week of classes and to a great week with my family! The picture is on New York Street at the Studios with Jillian and my parents (Bob and Bev).
Sean Vigue
"Trainer to Thousands!!"
Song of the Day...April 5th...Can you dig it?!?!

Sunday Sunday...what a great day! I just slept for 10 hours after teaching about 20 classes this week. 10 hours is a beautiful thing! The cliche' thing to say would be, "I must have needed it!"...but I digress from such cliche'. Yucky. There are so many awesome things in life without boring cliche's muddling it up. YOU BETCHA!!!
So the Song of the Day is a song that I have been using in my own workouts and not in class...yet. I went for a long bike ride yesterday. It was a standard ride for me: racing cars, yelling at them when they don't pay attention and almost run me over, extending one of my digits to let them know I love them for their HORRIBLE driving, and listening to powerful and inspiring music while I gaze at the Florida architecture and wobbly tourists. Lately I have developed a lust for Deep Purple. In Nikki Sixxi's book The Heroin Diaries he talks about his love for Deep Purple and that sparked my interest. So I got a couple of their albums and have been speeding more than ever on my bike. So anyway...
Song of the Day: The Unwritten Law by Deep Purple.
This song has the coolest drum riff throughout especially at the end when it brings the song to a glorious end. I first heard the lead singer Ian Gillian on the Jesus Christ Superstar album years ago and was impressed with his range. I want to slip this song into my Spinning classes for a brutal Hill but my class will be no more in the near future )-: It may work in Pilates...hmmmm...must meditate on that.
Check out the song. It will put a spring in your step and a sledgehammer in your heart!
Sean Vigue
"Trainer to Thousands!"
Genius is nothing but a greater aptitude for patience.
~Ben Franklin
Friday, April 03, 2009
Song of the Day...April 3rd...

Whew! Just returned from teaching Pilates at Golds Gym Dr. Phillips. Class went very well as the energy soared through the vast room. Lots of Pilates hungry peeps today and we got all we could stomach...and more. I have been maxing out my Pilates Waves and Rock 1 Mix to great effect. I shall be retiring it soon as I just created Pilates Waves and Rock 2. It probably doesn't sound all that interesting but once you hear these mixes combined with a heart pounding, core ripping, muscle toning Pilates class it all becomes clear. Clear as a pure mountain stream.
Song of the Day: Just the Same Way by Journey
This is some vintage Journey with a little more rock edge before they became the kings of the Power Ballad. More guitar. More grit. More sludge. More croutons. More everything! During class today the song struck during our intense Side-Leg Series. If you have never experienced Side-Leg Series....well you have not lived. Side-Leg Series will give you the most incredible looking legs if you practice it at least three-times-a-week. If you do it four times your legs will explode! Journey....great group. Faithfully is the greatest power ballad of all time by the way....
See you in class!
Sean Vigue
"Trainer to Thousands!"
We will not know unless we begin.
~Howard Zinn
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Song of the Day...April 2nd

YES! This song came to me from my excellent friend Stephan who uses it for his warm-up every time he bikes like a madman to work. Very eclectic I must say. I must say. I have used it for my warm-up in Spinning classes with great results and it sets the stage for an unforgettable experience.
Song of the Day: One Vision by Queen
It reminds me of the Flash Gordon theme also by them but with more raw power. Once we hit that warm-up song in Spinning there is no turning back...we are all together in this insane ride for the next 50 minutes of so. That is why the first song is so darn important. After One Vision last night we hit a 10 minute Hill of epic proportions! Steeper and steeper with some hovers thrown in to keep it fun.
I have taught hundreds of Spinning classes but I don't remember much of them. It is like being in combat. My memories are very...hazy. I remember I did one because my ears ring for awhile after.
Sean Vigue
"Trainer to Thousands!"
"The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation."
~Henry David Thoreau
Anytime Fitness is brand new in Celebration!
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Song of the Day....April 1st

For an April Fools gag I could say that the Song of the Day is the theme to Silver Spoons but I digress...
One of my favorites....very predictable if you know me. This song has captured my rough heart and made it even more jagged and callous. It is from an album titled: Theater of Pain. Oooohhh what a great album it is!
Song of the Day: Louder than Hell by Motley Crue
I am using it in what may be my last Wednesday evening Spinning class at Celebration Fitness...not sure. If it is then this song must be cranked all the way up and the result will be the most intense, blistering hill of your sad, pathetic life!!! Short song which makes the hill all the more concentrated. As much as I love the Crue I can't understand a damn thing that Vince is singing. His voice is soooo high it is a big vowel vomit! Who cares! It runs right up your spine until you want to rip the handlebars right off and throw them through the wall and that's just for starters!! It creates such a fever behind the eys that keeps on spreading. If the song was 4 minutes long I would explode.
Off to teach and sweat my tush off.
Sean Vigue
"Trainer to Thousands!"
"I know it was wonderful, but I don't know how I did it."
~Sir Lawrence Oliver,
after a brilliant performance
My Spinning class will be no more...

My Wednesday evening Spinning class at Celebration Fitness that I have been teaching for about 4 years will be coming to a close very soon as the room will be made into an office. All future Spinning classes will be held in the Large Aerobic Studio but mine is being phased out due to scheduling conflicts.
It has been a great 4 year run and I thank the many, many people who took the time to come and ride with me each night over the past 300 + classes! So many great, inspiring and sweaty memories....
See ya!
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