Monday is now almost in the rear view mirror. So many classes today and all filled with great energy and that is just the way I like em'! I FEED off energy. It makes me INSANE with vitality and inspiration! Can't get enough my friends. All the classes today went so very well and I am once again grateful to everyone who shares them with me. The dedication of my clients is always humbling and inspires me to always strive further to give them the best classes possible. I learn with every single class I teach and am NEVER content with status qua teaching...doing the same stuff every time and never adding any excitement to the class. Life is too short to accept mediocrity. I digress....
Song of the Day: Baby What a Big Surprise by Chicago
I admit that I have been listening to a lot of Chicago lately (the band...not the city. I don't know how to listen to a city. Do you? Show me. You have 5 seconds!) and used this song on the warm-up of my latest Pilates mix and it makes me smile like a fool (-: Tonight at Disney I was walking around the studio when it was on and smiling the biggest grin you have ever laid eyes upon. Why? It's music...too hard to explain. We try to explain things too much, just accept it and enjoy the ride. I see more Chicago in my classes in the future. It's just too damn good.
Thankful for another day of successful classes! Tomorrow holds many more opportunities to help people achieve their full potential though fitness and I am up for the challenge! Bring em' on!
Sean Vigue
"Trainer to Thousands!"
Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once.
~William Shakespeare
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