Indeed it is all there for the taking! What is "it" you ask? Did you ask that? "It" is whatever your soul is searching for and only YOU can answer that question. Not sure? Take some time to meditate and move in the direction of "it". Don't just go to the bookstore and buy Stephen King's It because that won't work. Sure it's a good read but you will be side-tracked from your ultimate purpose.
So many classes on the horizon for the week and I am busy putting new sequences and fun twists on existing ones. All of these classes will put you through workouts to stretch, strengthen and tone every part of your body. The other powerful component is the releasing the mind part. When you are engaged in the exercises/poses/stretches etc your mind finds clarity in the present...in executing the present excursion right now. All distractions fade and the mind becomes a laser of efficiency, directing the muscles to perform at their peak. Mind over muscles. There is no other way. Do it RIGHT. Do it NOW. No wasted time. No dull moments. It happens like a thunderclap and is over way too soon....but don't worry as I will always be there to make you do more and more and more....
Last Spinning class this Wednesday at Celebration Fitness. I am planning a HUGE send-off with lots of cake! We will end the class as we rode it the past four years: like a ballistic missile shooting straight to hell!!!!
Song of the Day: Let's Go To Bed by The Cure
What a glorious song! I added it to a new Pilates mix (Pilates Electric 1) and it shall provoke such delight in the room whenever it is played. The Cure works great for Pilates and Yoga because of the melodramatic quality they use. Dramatic music produces dramatic results in this fitness instructor's opinion. It lifts my mood and that in turn makes me work harder to get more out of my clients. They deserve to have the best possible class I can offer. The song has very witty lyrics that accurately sum up at least 40% of relationships out there. Check it out and let it infiltrate your head for a few days. That is how The Cure operates. The Crue will rip your head right off and throw it in a well. There is a vast difference between the two. Don't be confused.
Enough of that for now. Thanks to all past, current and future clients. Keep coming back and I promise to keep expanding your health and life potential. We never go through the motions nor do we operate on automatic pilot. Every second is a celebration of all we are blessed with and where we can take it. We dream big and we make it happen. Superior results in a short amount of time!! That is a promise I aim to keep. I stake my oath on it.
Sleep tight and well my friends.
The picture above is from a production of West Side Story I did in 1998 in Ft. Myers, Florida at The Broadway Palm Theater. I am kneeling in the brown jacket as Action, the hothead member of The Jets. Good times! I worked as a professional singer/actor/dancer for over 10 years all over the world before attacking the fitness field.
Sean Vigue
"Trainer to Thousands!"
A hero is a man who does what he can.
~Romain Rolland
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