Want a custom workout DVD created just for YOU? Let me know what you want and I will put together 2-3 10 minute workouts designed for your unique fitness needs! Pilates? Yoga? Both? Stretching? Focus on a certain body part? Want to have an edge in a certain sport? Let me know and for only $20 (limited time) you will have your very own workout DVD to take with you anywhere. Includes files for your iPod or iPhone. Great as gifts too! Birthdays, Christmas, and every other holiday and celebration is cause to give the gift of health. Email or talk to me in person about what you would like (-:
~I have unleashed my new
web page www.motleyfitness.com !! This site features a series of amazing workout videos that will appeal to ALL people from everywhere. There is also my fitness DVDs, news about my classes, and general fitness info. The skies the limit and I plan to reach as many people on this planet as possible! I am producing longer workout videos to reach every possible fitness level in the world and look forward to meeting people at their level and making them live their full potential. It's what I do.
"I must be right. Never an aspirin. Never injured a day in my life. The whole country, the whole world, should be doing my exercises. They'd be happier." - Joseph Hubertus Pilates, in 1965, age 86
Sean Vigue
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