Sean Vigue and Motley Fitness have been working very hard to bring you dynamic, effective, and time saving workouts that can be performed anywhere and anytime...all you ever need is a yoga/Pilates mat and the desire to look and feel better!
Pilates on the Go! series is the perfect under ten minute workout that focuses on great form, control, breathing, and of course stretching and strengthening every muscle in our body. Think of it as a tune-up for your mind and body.
Pilates on the Go! will be updated regularly so stay tuned...
Here is the first video in the series shot in beautiful Celebration, Florida. Enjoy!
This is only the beginning...
Sean Vigue
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Motley Fitness Boot Camp is HERE!
Here is the first in the Motley Fitness Boot Camp canon. Read below:
Oh boy this workout is really going to blow your mind and rip the crud out of your muscles! Using only Pilates and Yoga based exercises (no weights, no machines, or any other object that you can trip over and impale yourself on) you will flow like CRAZY through a series of advanced exercises designed to bring you gorgeously breathtaking long, lean muscles.
Please only try if you are a more advanced fitness person and make sure you are already warmed-up or your body may implode!
So grab your mat and follow me! Created by Sean Vigue Go to to subscribe to my FREE iTunes workout Podcast! FREE fitness with a sprinkling of joy and sarcasm.
Oh boy this workout is really going to blow your mind and rip the crud out of your muscles! Using only Pilates and Yoga based exercises (no weights, no machines, or any other object that you can trip over and impale yourself on) you will flow like CRAZY through a series of advanced exercises designed to bring you gorgeously breathtaking long, lean muscles.
Please only try if you are a more advanced fitness person and make sure you are already warmed-up or your body may implode!
So grab your mat and follow me! Created by Sean Vigue Go to to subscribe to my FREE iTunes workout Podcast! FREE fitness with a sprinkling of joy and sarcasm.
free podcast,
motley fitness boot camp,
power yoga,
sean vigue,
six pack abs
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Motley Fitness Boot Camp is coming!!
Sean Vigue and Motley Fitness will be bringing you a very unique, challenging, muscle ripping, soul splitting new workout series available on iTunes Podcast and DVD worldwide: Motley Fitness Boot Camp!!
This whole Boot Camp will be solely mat based....meaning that all you will need is a Yoga/Pilates mat and you shall create an entire universe of fitness in one place using flowing, controlled, and advanced Pilates and Yoga exercises. Just bring your mat, a towel (to wipe up all that good, clean sweat), a bottle of water, and follow me!
Motley Fitness Boot Camp coming soon to a fitness hungry world!
Sean Vigue
motley fitness boot camp,
power yoga,
sean vigue,
The Army is now doing Pilates!

This is a great article about the importance of a strong, balanced Core and all that you can do with it! Without a strong center your whole body suffers and rots. Keep your Core strong and fit and the world is yours!!
FORT JACKSON, S.C. – New soldiers are grunting through the kind of stretches and twists found in "ab blaster" classes at suburban gyms as the Army revamps its basic training regimen for the first time in three decades.
Heeding the advice of Iraq and Afghanistan combat veterans, commanders are dropping five-mile runs and bayonet drills in favor of zigzag sprints and exercises that hone core muscles. Battlefield sergeants say that's the kind of fitness needed to dodge across alleys, walk patrol with heavy packs and body armor or haul a buddy out of a burning vehicle.
Trainers also want to toughen recruits who are often more familiar with Facebook than fistfights.
"Soldiers need to be able to move quickly under load, to be mobile under load, with your body armor, your weapons and your helmet, in a stressful situation," said Frank Palkoska, head of the Army's Fitness School at Fort Jackson, which has worked several years on overhauling the regime.
"We geared all of our calisthenics, all of our running movements, all of our warrior skills, so soldiers can become stronger, more powerful and more speed driven," Palkoska said. The exercises are part of the first major overhaul in Army basic fitness training since men and women began training together in 1980, he said.
The new plan is being expanded this month at the Army's four other basic training installations — Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., Fort Sill, Okla., Fort Benning, Ga., and Fort Knox, Ky.
Drill sergeants with experience in the current wars are credited with urging the Army to change training, in particular to build up core muscle strength. One of them is 1st Sgt. Michael Todd, a veteran of seven deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan.
On a recent training day Todd was spinning recruits around to give them the feel of rolling out of a tumbled Humvee. Then he tossed on the ground pugil sticks made of plastic pipe and foam, forcing trainees to crawl for their weapons before they pounded away on each other.
"They have to understand hand-to-hand combat, to use something other than their weapon, a piece of wood, a knife, anything they can pick up," Todd said.
The new training also uses "more calisthenics to build core body power, strength and agility," Palkoska said in an office bedecked with 60-year-old black and white photos of World War II-era mass exercise drills. Over the 10 weeks of basic, a strict schedule of exercises is done on a varied sequence of days so muscles rest, recover and strengthen.
Another aim is to toughen recruits from a more obese and sedentary generation, trainers said.
Many recruits didn't have physical education in elementary, middle or high school and therefore tend to lack bone and muscle strength. When they ditch diets replete with soda and fast food for healthier meals and physical training, they drop excess weight and build stronger muscles and denser bones, Palkoska said.
Lt. Gen. Mark Hertling of the Army's Training and Doctrine Command, the three-star general in charge of revamping all aspects of initial training, said his overall goal is to drop outmoded drills and focus on what soldiers need today and in the future.
Bayonet drills had continued for decades, even though soldiers no longer carry the blades on their automatic rifles. Hertling ordered the drills dropped.
"We have to make the training relevant to the conditions on the modern battlefield," Hertling said during a visit to Fort Jackson in January.
The general said the current generation has computer skills and a knowledge base vital to a modern fighting force. He foresees soldiers using specially equipped cell phones to retrieve information on the battlefield to help repair a truck or carry out an emergency lifesaving medical technique.
But they need to learn how to fight.
"Most of these soldiers have never been in a fistfight or any kind of a physical confrontation. They are stunned when they get smacked in the face," said Capt. Scott Sewell, overseeing almost 190 trainees in their third week of training. "We are trying to get them to act, to think like warriors."
For hours, Sewell and his drill sergeants urge on helmeted trainees as they whale away at each other with pugil sticks, landing head and body blows until one falls flat on the ground. As a victor slams away at his flattened foe, a drill sergeant whistles the fight to a halt.
"This is the funnest day I've had since I've been here!" said 21-year-old Pvt. Brendon Rhyne, of Rutherford County, N.C., after being beaten to the ground. "It makes you physically tough. Builds you up on the insides mentally, too."
The Marine Corps is also applying war lessons to its physical training, adopting a new combat fitness test that replicates the rigor of combat. The test, which is required once a year, has Marines running sprints, lifting 30-pound ammunition cans over their heads for a couple of minutes and completing a 300-yard obstacle course that includes carrying a mock wounded Marine and throwing a mock grenade.
Capt. Kenny Fleming, a 10-year-Army veteran looking after a group of Fort Jackson trainees, said men and women learn exercises that prepare them to do something on the battlefield such as throw a grenade, or lunge and pick a buddy off the ground. Experience in Iraq has shown that women need the same skills because they come under fire, too, even if they are formally barred from combat roles.
"All their exercises are related to something they will do out in the field," Fleming said, pointing out "back bridge" exercises designed to hone abdominal muscles where soldiers lift hips and one leg off the ground and hold it steady.
"This will help their core muscles, which they could use when they stabilize their body for shooting their weapon, or any kind of lifting, pulling, or something like grabbing a buddy out of a tank hatch," Fleming said.
Fleming said those who had some sort of sports in high school can easily pick up on the training, while those who didn't have to be brought along. One hefty soldier in a recent company he trained dropped 45 pounds and learned to blast out 100 push-ups and 70 sit-ups, he said.
"We just have to take the soldier who's used to sitting on the couch playing video games and get them out there to do it," Fleming said.
Associated Press writer Kevin Maurer contributed to this report from Wilmington, N.C.
motley fitness,
pilates guns,
sean vigue
Monday, March 08, 2010
Got Core? campaign coming soon!
Motley Fitness is unleashing it's brand new campaign to bring effective, life sustaining fitness to a health hungry population: Got Core?
Got Core? has already begun in some of our German language ads and will soon be a full scale English speaking blitz of information on why you NEED a strong Core to truly be fit and improve your life on every level. The focus of Motley Fitness has always been to strengthen from the inside-out...and that begins with a strong and healthy center.
Bad posture ends here! Got Core? will be taking the fitness world by storm and spread true fitness to all corners of the earth. Here at Motley Fitness we think and change BIG.
Stay tuned...
Sean Vigue
Only the pure in heart can make a good soup.
~Ludwig von Beethoven
got core?,
sean vigue,
workout clothes,
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
Motley Abs Advanced workout series is here! Ab ripping excitement.

New series from Motley Fitness: Motley Abs! Take just five-minutes and put yourself through a full abdominal workout that focuses on working every muscle while practicing perfect form and control.
Here is a link to the first video:
Subscribe to my FREE workout Podcast and get this and several other Pilates and Yoga workouts to change your life!
Sean Vigue
Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy.
free podcast,
motley abs,
power yoga,
sean vigue
Monday, March 01, 2010
List of DVDs from Sean and Motley Fitness!

Motley Fitness offers a full line of dynamic Pilates and Yoga DVDs for all ages and fitness levels! All videos created by master fitness instructor Sean "Mr. Fitness" Vigue and focus on stretching, strengthening, and toning your entire body while releasing and focusing your mind. Visit for more info.
Titles include:
Yoga for the Runner
Beginner Pilates Series
Personal Pilates with Sean #1 and #2 (complete Pilates workout)
Glorious Glutes,
Yoga for the Dancer
Sunrise Yoga and Sunset Yoga (beginner Yoga)
Macho-lates: Advanced Pilates Workout
Arms and Abs
Motley Yoga (full power yoga workout)
and more...
1 DVD $20
2 DVDs $30
3 DVDs $40
(always FREE shipping)
Corporate Wellness Program
Four 30 minute Yoga/Pilates workouts (on 2 DVDs) patterned after Sean's very popular lunchtime sessions at Walt Disney World. These workouts are perfect for in the office or anywhere and anytime you have access to a DVD player. Bulk orders receive a discount.
You will always look and feel better after each and every class!
Sean Vigue
sexy sean vigue,
workout dvds,
yoga for dancers,
yoga for runners
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